
Our Announcements

24 February 2022

Electric mobility in the short food supply chain: is a farmers’ opportunity?

Article by Antonino Galati, Paola Concialdi, Maria Crescimanno

This study, part of the EnerNETMob research activities, aims to investigate the consumers’ Willingness to Pay for agri-food products delivered in the Farmers Markets (FMs) with Electric Vehicles (EVs). The empirical analysis was carried out by administering an online questionnaire to 273 consumers within a hypothetical context. A Multiple Price List was adopted in order to measure the price premium for 1 kilo of oranges transported with EVs, compared to those transported with traditional vehicles. Results suggest that consumers’ WTP is mainly influenced by their environmental attitudes, from the knowledge and possibility of engaging in responsible purchasing, and from the approval of friends and relatives (social norms). This study delivers insights to support both farmers’ choice to invest in EVs and policy makers to develop policies to promote this transition process. The main limitations of this study are related to the use of a convenience sample and to the social desirability bias linked to self-reported questions.

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