Our Announcements

"Smart City and Electro-Mobility Solutions towards Climate Neutrality": Conclusions
200 participants joined the EnerNETMob event "Smart City and Electro-Mobility Solutions towards Climate Neutrality", during which a highly diverse and distinguished panel from the north and south Mediterranean presented their ambitious ideas and projects to support cities' green and digital transition. The session focused on the transferability and scalability of those solutions, concluding that for such ambitious endeavors, the collaboration of the state and the local levels is a must. Although innovation has been promoted successfully, its scale-up requires legislative and framework changes. When starting the panel the differences between the south and north side of the Mediterranean seemed significant, questioning the collaboration potential. However during the discussion it has been concluded that there are plenty of common challenges and transferrable solutions. All panelists agreed that every successful plan and investment requires the engagement of citizens. Moreover, it has been concluded that to address complex challenges the decision makers should create the conditions for bottom-up innovation (citizen science, entrepreneurship, hackathons, etc).
The event was organized by EnerNETMob partner Dynamic Vision.
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